Dan Levy began his television career as a co-host of MTV Canada's flagship show MTV Live and later co-wrote, co-hosted, and co-produced the critically...read more
Dan Levy began his television career as a co-host of MTV Canada's flagship show MTV Live and later co-wrote, co-hosted, and co-produced the critically acclaimed ratings hit The After Show and its various incarnations including The Hills: The After Show and The City: Live After Show. Levy also wrote, produced, and starred in his own Christmas Special for MTV, Daniel Levy's Holi-Do's & Don'ts for MT...read more
Place of Birth
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Also Known As
[ "Daniel Joseph Levy", "Daniel Levy", "Dan Levy (VII)", "Dan 'Tony' Levy", "ダニエル・レヴィ", "Дэниэл Леви", "Деніел Леві", "دانييل لافي", "Ντάνιελ Λέβι", "דניאל לוי", "대니얼 레비", "丹尼爾·里維" ]
72nd Emmy Awards
71st Emmy Awards
73rd Emmy Awards
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