Emilia Rose Elizabeth Fox is an English actress and presenter whose career is primarily in British television. Her feature film debut was in Roman Pol...read more
Emilia Rose Elizabeth Fox is an English actress and presenter whose career is primarily in British television. Her feature film debut was in Roman Polanski's film The Pianist (2002). Her other motion pictures include the Italian–French–British romance-drama The Soul Keeper (2002), for which she won the Flaiano Film Award for Best Actress; the drama The Republic of Love (2003); the comedy-drama Thi...read more
Place of Birth
London, England, UK
Also Known As
[ "Emilia Lydia Rose Fox", "Эмилия Фокс", "Emilia Rose Elizabeth Fox", "Εμίλια Φοξ", "Εμίλια Ρόουζ Ελίζαμπεθ Φοξ", "Εμίλια Λυδία Ρόουζ Φοξ", "에밀리아 폭스" ]
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